Monday, March 16, 2015

Late Night Thoughts...Again

This post was started in a Facebook post on March 7th, but it will continue onto here, as the emotions are more raw here.

It seems to be the case that we hurt the ones we 'love', because we know that if they truly 'love' us, they will be there for us even after we abuse and take advantage of their love. When does the abuse of their understanding of our discontent end? Is there a clear definition of the stopping point of their juggling of our pain? Maybe the ending point depends on the strength of the relationship, but then, we don't tell a person we just met but ten minutes ago a secret that your childhood best friend knows, and that relationship is bound to be stronger than the new person. But that new person may be more forgiving, they just met you, so maybe anxiety and caution is taken, and you slip, and say something that wasn't meant to be. They could be more forgiving. But your childhood best friend knows you better than your spouse may, and may just let it slip.

But what about spousal relationships? Not even just spouses, significant others, as well. Is true love being able to support that person through anything? You take vows to have and to hold, for better or for worse, but when that person cheats or becomes the person that you didn't think that they were, you leave in an instant. No second thoughts. Divorce has gotten too easy, too close to everyone's fingertips that couples don't want to try to work things out, they have no ambitions, no path to try and fall in love all over again and again. That's what marriage is, you must work at it and work at it.

We feel comfortable taking our anger out on the ones who will tell us that everything is going to be just dandy at the end of the day, but why? Why don't we take it out on the thing that causes our pain. The cowardliness in our personalities-we all have it- prevents us from standing up to what we truly feel. Many say that we need not care about others on our way up to success, but don't we crave human companionship/

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