Monday, April 20, 2015


The idea of being anonymous (of unknown name, lacking identity) gives regular people like you and me power to do things they wouldn't necessarily do. With that mask, we feel unstoppable.

But why?

To avoid judgement or discrimination? To become untrackable and unreachable?

Every scenario has drawbacks benefits when remaining anonymous.

Anonymity can also be used to tell a story you wouldn't otherwise tell. Identifying personal traits that would cause you to stand out. But what if this mask was lifted, and the people you told knew who you were. But then when they lift their own mask, they lose their anonymity. And guess what, they're all like you. All with secrets they they only tell when have their mask on.

Anonymity is different than being pseudonymous. You are trackable. While you may be able to hide behind a different identity, all of these thoughts can be linked back to that username. Then the fear of everything being linked together and tracing it's way back to you is established. Then, possibly, whatever cause you are fighting for can be fixed, you can get that help. Maybe call it an accident. There's an alternative and a devil's advocate for each situation.

A dear friend of mine gave me the anonymous mask tonight. We have shared but two deep, intelligent conversations together, both which have brought us incredibly close and understanding of each other. I shared with him the post about my nightmares, and he described the mask as a way to be anonymous. It's weir the way that things work. I have known him for a week and am able to tell him my deepest, darkest secrets, and vice versa, but am unable to talk about these with people whom I've known for years. 

Mutual understanding.

He and I understand that we have both had terrible things happen to us. 

The ability to listen and not comment.

A lot of times, people just want you to listen to them and have a shoulder to cry on. Be there, and be silent.

Don't interrupt. Hear people out. Let them speak and communicate.

Actually give a fuck. We all say 'no fucks given' to every problem that occurs. THAT IS OUR PROBLEM. The ability to care about how someone's day actually went. Not the generic "hey what's up? You're good? I'm good too, thanks." How fucking boring is that. When I ask someone how their day is, actually look them in the eye and ask them. And care. Ask back up questions.

Being anonymous is a shield from reality. People would feel less inclined to hide if they knew that someone would care and take action to help them. Obviously this depends on the situation at hand.

Not a single one of us should feel the need to hide behind a mask and guard ourselves, but we do, and that's going to be the ultimate downfall, the reason we all end up disappointed with our lives, because we weren't straightforward enough to do what we wanted for fear of judgement.

I get about 4 readers per post. I don't know who you are. I don't know if you know who I am. But since you're taking the time to read this, start caring about people. Start by being genuine when you ask how someone's day is going or how they are doing. Those who don't care won't show you the same attention back. Get rid of them. If they can't take the time for you with a quick hello, what makes you think they will take the time for you when you're being anonymous and want to lift the mask?

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